The great houses of Stormreach have grown very powerful over
the century's,
but then why does so much evil prevail in this Land?
Could it be they are to distracted with the politics of the city?
Or is it there concern with there status and property?
Or is it lowering the honor and respect of another Great House by sabotage?
Maybe all of those reasons?
Maybe more. There is no question that the great houses have
there use's, and numerous members of the great houses
do walk an honorable path of helping those around them,
but its very apparent...that it is not enough.
I Vissel,
With a Strong Army At my Back,
With Many Voices in One voice,
Will build a new Great House,
We will not Build and separate from the city,
Forming or own house area like the others,
No, My children in the shadows,
We will be as we are now.
From the city itself,
On its streets, as its people, In the pubs, and the stores,.... the markets and Harbor and every stone of this city.
.... from the earth the sky's above it.
Let us Rise and spread like a word from a thousand gods.